Rockport High School Senior Portrait Session / Andraya

I am in the thick of senior portrait season over here, and I’m really loving it! Most of my seniors through mid-September have kept their sessions on the beach or the nearby coast, which works perfectly because beaches on Cape Ann have cleared out once the summer ends so we have plenty of space to get creative.

Surprisingly, portrait sessions during COVID-19 haven’t been terribly different. The biggest difference is that I’m wearing a mask the entire time. But other than that, I am sure to use my long lens so we can socially distance. It feels totally safe being out in the open air.

Today I’m so happy to share Andraya’s senior portrait session. I have loved reviewing all of her images again because you can just feel her joy! We split her portrait session between the rocks on the backshore of Gloucester and Good Harbor beach. Scroll through to see some of my favorites from her session and be sure to leave her some love in the comment section below!




Planning for Bad Weather / Grace's Senior Portrait Session

Probably one of the most stressful aspects of planning a portrait session (aside from outfit planning, of course!) is dealing with weather. My informal policy is that if there is more than a 50% chance of rain, we reschedule to another time. Most times I like to wait until 24 hours before the session to make the official call, leaving room to reschedule hair/makeup appointments, if necessary. I love my sessions to be “glowy” and sun-filled, and will try to do everything possible to make that happen!

One of the more insidious forms of bad weather, however, is high winds. Anything higher than 10 miles an hour is pretty dang annoying for everyone involved, but especially if you want to keep your hair in check!

For Grace’s senior session below, we originally planned to take her pictures at Crane Beach in Ipswich, MA. Promptly after we arrived, though, we realized that the wind was whipping razor sharp sand particles in our eyes and that the beach was a no go. Fortunately, there are no shortage of gorgeous locations for portraits on the north shore that I have up my sleeve, so we quickly ran down the street to another location. It turned into a perfectly fall portrait session, and you can hardly tell that Grace is freezing cold from the wind. Check it out below and let me know in the comments whether you agree that Grace rocked her senior pictures!


Long Beach, Rockport MA Senior Portrait Session | Taylor

Weather in New England is a funny thing sometimes. On the days leading up to Taylor's senior portrait session, we went back and forth about rescheduling because the weather was iffy and Taylor and her family were traveling to their vacation home in Rockport from Connecticut and didn't want to make the drive if the weather wouldn't cooperate. We ended up keeping our date and the weather was foggy--misty at worst. Yet, we were determined to make it work because it may have been our only opportunity with both our busy schedules.

 I have to say, the fog made for the most romantic, moody images for Taylor's senior pictures.  She was a dream to photograph--so sweet and smiley! Later at Long Beach, we got the rest of the family in on the fun for photos on the beach.  

Have fun scrolling through some of my favorites from Taylor's senior portrait session and please leave some love for her in the comment section below!